There’s a lot of things I wish someone had told me when I came to college my Freshman year. I know at the time I probably wouldn’t have even listened but I wish someone had still told me these things. My hopes are that some of these things will resonate with future college students! College is one of the most unique times in your life, so make sure you take advantage of the few years you have there!
Put together a professional resume, you’re an adult now.
Don’t post pictures on social media you would not want a future employer to see; they do check, trust me.
Posing for pictures with a drink in hand does not give you extra cool points. It also will not earn you the title of being classy or mature.
Get to know your RAs. They are generally very helpful and can really make your entire experience.
Go to as many school events as possible. You will have fun, make memories, meet people, and usually get free food.
Take advantage of every free food opportunity.
Know that the freshman fifteen is not a myth. (I’m serious…) Plan accordingly.
In college, the concept of time is completely different. 2am is the new 11pm, 9am is the new 6am.
Introduce yourself to your professors, and sit up front. They will remember you, and you will get less distracted.
Be nice to people in your class, it will come in handy when you (inevitably) skip class, and need the notes!
Don’t skip class everyday, you might test well, but participation points can make or break you.
Call your parents. College is big change for you, but it’s a big change for them too.
Take the stairs as much as possible. It’s the little things that count!
Be nice to high school students touring; that was you literally only months ago.
Don’t leave your drinks unattended when going out.
Always always always have a responsible sober person drive. Paying for a cab is better than paying with your life.
Start making your own opinions and convictions. Following the popular crowd is usually not the best decision.
DO NOT be “that roommate”. Clean your dishes, don’t be too loud late at night, share the remote, ask to barrow stuff, etc.
Don’t complain about every aspect of the school you don’t like. It was your decision to attend here, and you have the option of going somewhere else at any time.
Keep in mind you are extremely blessed to get a college education. So many people are denied that luxury, don’t squander it.
Learn to manage your time. Keep a calendar, make reminders on your phone, stay on top of things. You live, work, and go to school all in the same place. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed.
It’s okay to cry. Seriously, it will just happen at some point, sometimes in public.
Try to make a point of learning people’s names. It’s better to ask several times during the first conversation, than to “know” someone for three months, but you can’t remember their name, and now it’s way too awkward to ask.
Changing your major is not the end of the world. You can’t expect to hold to a decision you made when you were 17, for the rest of your life!
You will find out what textbooks you will actually need, the first week of school. Don’t buy them before this! Also buying used, renting, or buying e-books will save you loads of money.
Kindness goes a long way. Smile. Wave. Hold the door open. Say thank you. Seriously, it’s not hard.
Be nice to every staff, faculty, maintenance, facilities, security person you meet. You have no idea how much work goes into running a University. Saying the occasional thank you to these people is also more than okay. Without them, there is no way the school could operate.
If you don’t want people to find out, don’t do it.
Sitting in your dorm all the time is not a college experience.
Don’t blow off your freshman year. Most of these classes are relatively easy, but this is also prime time to lose scholarships that won’t come back (I know…). Your freshman GPA sets the tone for your overall GPA.
Take full advantage of tutors, and professor’s office hours.
Thrift stores and Goodwill are literally goldmines. Don’t be bougie.
Learn to like black coffee and tea. It will save you more money than you even could understand.
If you are from out of state, go home for the holidays when possible. If you’re from in state, don’t go home every single weekend.
Don’t try too hard at fitting in. There is a group of people for everyone, and acting not yourself will be easily picked up on.
Wash your sheets more than twice a semester…
Don’t overfill the washer to save money. The washer will break, and your clothes won’t end up clean (trust me….).
Don’t over-commit yourself too soon. It’s okay to say no sometimes.
Make goals for yourself, and work hard to accomplish them.
Don’t be alone with someone you don’t know very well.
It’s okay to stay out really late on a school night, but it will bite you in the butt if you make it a habit.
Just because you have the ability and freedom to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, doesn’t mean you should.
It’s better to be the one that said hello, than the one who walks with their eyes glued to the ground.
Awkward moments happen, learn to move on quickly. You will make a fool of yourself from time to time.
Your character is more important than your reputation, but both of them matter.
If you surround yourself with people that talk crap about others constantly, chances are they talk crap about you too. Also don’t be the girl or guy who talks about people behind their back. You will always have people who want to listen to the gossip, but no one who will actually trust you with their secrets.
Go to chapel. It’s amazing, and you will get to see the people who are like-minded on campus. Also, just because “the really hot girl, goes to chapel” doesn’t make her wifey material.
It is not lame to have school spirit, and if you think it is, than you are the lame one.
Heels are cute, but are not ideal for walking around campus. We see you strugglin’ girl, don’t even try to hide it.
Your mom cares that you have a 4.0, your social media friends do not. Seriously just don’t post to boast.
Don’t bring alcohol on campus… ever.
Learn how to make a few good microwave meals.
Find good places on and off campus that you can concentrate on studying.
If you want to stay in touch with people over the summer, then make the effort to.
Having a boyfriend or girlfriend is great, but it is not the end-all, be-all.
Don’t give crap to couples that get married young.
Don’t obsess over being the couple that gets married young.
Ladies, college is not just a place to find your MRS. degree. “Ring by Spring is not realistic…
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram are not your personal diaries. This is not Junior High.
Apologizing in person is always better than over text, and if that’s not possible, call them.
Stay in contact with your grandparents.
Don’t leave passive aggressive notes to your roommates. This will piss them off, and they are the ones who have access to your toothbrush.
Group projects suck, but don’t be the reason your group project sucks.
Everyone has their own struggles that nobody even knows about. Keep this in mind when you interact with people.
Take care of yourself. Go to the gym, make doctor’s appointments, and get your hair cut. You are big kids now!
Join a club, be on leadership, pick up a hobby, and try new things.
Don’t opt out of something, just because you don’t want to look stupid. Unless it’s being overly confident in your long boarding skills when you don’t have long boarding skills. You will looks stupid.
Take electives that interest you. It’s easier to get a good grade when you like the class!
Buy the off-brand of most items. You don’t need designer toilet paper I promise.
PDA is only okay up until a point.
Dye your hair, grow it out, try a new style of clothes, listen to new music.
Forgive people, everyone makes mistakes and you are going to as well.
Gentlemen, ask girls out. On real dates. Not just to “hangout”. This is a whole other blog post, but seriously take a chance, and be clear about your intentions.
Girls, give a guy a chance. Don’t complain about being single if you don’t ever say yes. And even if you aren’t interested, remember it takes a lot of courage on the guy’s part to risk having a girl say ‘no’.
It’s not childish to order off the kids menu. It’s being fiscally responsible.
Get a part time job, even if you don’t “need” to. You will need work experience when you leave college, and it teaches responsibility. Plus you can always use some spending cash am I right?
Take a sporadic weekend road trips. College is one of the few times in your life when you can just pick up and go.
Take lots of pictures, but know you are not obligated to post every single one. Sometimes memories are really private special things.
Don’t post a picture that everyone looks terrible in, just because you look great. No one likes you when you do this, and payback will be on its way.
Remember the morals you came to school with (Or possibly change those morals for the better).
Taco Bell is an acceptable meal choice. Always. Two words: Baja Blast.
Don’t pour your heart out to people who really don’t deserve your trust.
Try not to fall asleep every night by checking your social media. Your brain literally has a harder time shutting off when you actually want to fall asleep.
It’s okay to get your homework done before 11:59 on Sunday.
Being a jerk wasn’t cute in high school, it’s even less cute now.
Whoever said nice guys finish last was very wrong. Boys, opening the car door and complimenting girls is appreciated. If the girl doesn’t see this, you don’t want her I promise.
Avoid girls that act dumb for attention.
Avoid friends that put their newest crush in front of your friendship.
Don’t just sit on your phone when you are with your friends.
Offer to help pay for gas, and don’t be afraid to ask for gas money. College is a financially rough time for everyone!
Leaving notes for people can seriously make their day.
“Sleep is for the weak” is so so wrong. You will get grumpy, you will get sick, and you will die.
Alone time is necessary at some points, so don’t feel like a loner.
Some of the biggest lessons you learn are not in the classroom.
Find an older mentor that is the same gender as you. Their wisdom is essential when you need some solid advice.
Find a home church even if you are away from home, and go weekly. A huge percentage of students neglect to go to church after they move out. Don’t be a part of this statistic if it is important to you.
Spending time with people you care about is the best gift you can give them, use it wisely.
It’s okay to wear (non-see-through) leggings, sweatshirt, and no make up. This is college not the Grammy’s.
Check the food places and stores that offer student discounts. There is a wide variety of them, and they are essential.
Ask for help, admit your mistakes, and don’t give up. This is true for school, athletics, friends, relationships, and trying new things. You will grow more in the next four years than you ever knew was possible. However, it is completely up to you whether you grow in a positive way or negative way.